M–W: 8:30–4:30
Thurs: 8:30–7:30
Fri: 8:30–12:30
910 Oceanport Way
PO Box 370
Oceanport, NJ 07757
The Zoning Officer perform all duties required by the Municipal Land Use Law and the ordinances of the Borough of Oceanport relative to the development and use of land. All Zoning inquiries should be directed to the Zoning Officer.
Some construction permits, specifically those which involve changes to the exterior of a property such as additions, new home construction, fences, pools, decks, tennis courts, additions, driveways and sheds require a zoning review before issue. The homeowner will be asked to submit a Zoning Permit Application to the Zoning Officer so that he can review the project for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
The Borough of Oceanport is split into multiple zoning district each with its own particular area, yard and building requirements such as front and yard set backs, lot coverage, habitable floor area and structure height.
To determine the requirements and limitations that apply in a particular zoning district, the home owner may view the ordinance online, purchase a copy of the Zoning Ordinance, purchase copies of specific pages of the code, review a copy of the Zoning Ordinance at the Zoning Office or simply discuss the project with the Zoning Officer.
If the homeowner can not comply with the Zoning Ordinance for any reason, a variance must be obtained from the Combined Planning/Zoning Board before the project can proceed. The Zoning Officer is charged with the responsibility of enforcing the Zoning Ordinance, but may not waive its requirements. That power is granted by law to the Combined Planning/Zoning Board. If the project does require a variance, contact the Planning Board Secretary to explain the application process to you.